Crochet Accessories

In addition to hooks and yarns, the following equipment will also be useful.

Tape measure and ruler

Replace your tape measure from time to time, as the first few inches (or centimeters) can stretch with use. A small ruler is useful for measuring gauge.

Stitch markers
Stitch markers can be slipped onto your crochet as you work to mark a particular stitch or row, as an aid to counting or working pattern repeats.

Yarn needles
Yarn needles are sometimes called tapestry needles. They have a large eye to take the yarn easily, and blunt tip, which helps to avoid splitting the yarn as you stitch. They come in a range of sizes and are used for darning in tails, and for sewing seams.

Sharp needles
Needles with sharp points are useful when working embroidery. A large eye is required to easily take the yarn or thread. Ordinary darning needles may be used, or choose specialist embroidery needles, called chenille needles, which are shorter.

Choose pins with large heads, so they will not slip between the crochet stitches. Glass-headed pins are the best type for blocking. Pins with plastic heads are useful when assembling pieces, or use safety pins instead.


(Yarn scissors)
A pair of small, sharp scissors is essential for cutting yarn cleanly. Never brake yarn with your fingers.

I hope you find this helpful. If you need any help I would be more than happy to help.
Happy crocheting
XoXo - Shawna

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