Simple Bow {Pattern}

Skill level: Easy
Materials: Cotton or Cotton blend yarn
Crochet Hook: 4.00 or 4.50 mm & Tapestry needle (to sew in ends)

Pattern: Ch 16
Row 1: hdc in 3rd ch from hook and in each chain across. Ch 1 and turn (14 hdc)
Row 2-4 : hdc in each stitch across, ch 1 and turn. (14 hdc)
Edging: At the end of row 4 ch 1 and turn. Sc all the way around, putting 3 sc in each corner.
Join with sl st. sew in your ends.
Center of Bow: Ch 8
Row 1: hdc in 3rd ch from hook and each ch across. 
Fasten off leaving a long tail to sew onto the bow
Finishing: Pinch middle of your swatch, then wrap the middle piece around.
Sew together on the back to tighten the middle.
Sew in ends.

This is perfect to put on anything.
Hats, Bags, Headbands, anything thing you're mind can think up!

Until next time,
Enjoy & be Happy.

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